Context                   How it works?                    Who can join?                   Why participate?                   Rules                   Feedback Criteria                   Contact

Collaborate for a more sustainable world

Collaborate for a more sustainable world

Are you motivated to team up with ENGIE Global Energy Management and Sales teams and stakeholders, and bring your contribution to the table?

Join the CoVisionLab!

We will focus hand in hand on finding innovative solutions to explore energy sufficiency, reduce energy consumption, and increase circularity opportunities in the automotive value chain and related service providers.

Some examples of topics that may be addressed during the event:

  • identification of roles and responsibilities,
  • identification of energy waste and circularity opportunities
  • distribution of costs and risk on the entire value chain
  • implementation of sufficiency in business models

Let’s work together for a more sustainable world!

How it works?

An innovation process where people from different companies unite to explore concrete solutions.

The organization team will create teams according to motivation and skills.

Teams are composed of stakeholders from the automotive sector and ENGIE colleagues. Each team will work on a topic defined alongside the car assembler.

Prep phase

Until June 26th - Online

Stakeholders present their energy consumption related topics.

Inside each team, ENGIE’s clients express their vision on sufficiency potential on one of the topics exploring it from an energy point of view, and deep dives in the value chain.

Opening Workshop

June 27th & 28th - Online

Each team works autonomously on its own topic, is expected to come up with a structured idea, and invited to use the feedback criteria to structure its idea.


June 29th - September, 11th

April 22nd - May 31st

Each team will pitch its solution to the other teams and the Feedback Committee (car assembler, ENGIE experts and external experts) expected to provide its view on each solution.

Final workshop

September 13th - Online

1 day of :

- Acceleration workshops to boost each project

- Inspirational sessions with experts on the value chain

- Mentoring sessions to clarify any blocking points

- Feedback sessions


September, 12th

Who can join the CoVisionLab?

This initiative is open to all the stakeholders of the automotive value chain, who are motivated and willing to team up together and work on finding innovative solutions to explore energy sufficiency, reduce energy consumption, and increase circularity opportunities.

All CoVisionLab sessions are online, on CET Timezone

What we value

More than skills, we are looking for profiles with strong values, such as









Why you should join

  1. Tackle a problem that touches us all on a daily basis
  2. Learn more about the car industry and challenges they are facing
  3. Learn how to tackle a value chain from an energy point of view
  4. Connect with stakeholders of the value chain
  5. Get out your comfort zone
  6. Co-create long lasting solutions together

Workshop 1

Rules of the game

A COLLECTIVE CHALLENGEENGIE, with the help of its stakeholders that are experts in their industry, will foster sustainable innovative solutions related to energy sufficiency on common issues.

ENGIE has full ownership of all prototyped solutions.

Intellectual property

Stakeholders, as a part of each team, seek to identify their common drivers, pain points, provide feedback and inputs in terms of feasibility.

Stakeholders' role

ENGIE role

Any participant willing to get involved in relevant energy sufficiency solutions must be committed to the development of related projects and available to participate in the CoVisionLab.

Feedback Criteria

All proposed projects will receive feedback from a committee of experts on the following points:


Systemic and common social impact on our stakeholders (ENGIE, clients, partners, regulators, NGOs, society…)

Potential for environmental benefit, facilitates energy sufficiency, contributes to regenerative business.


Teams members must assess that the solutions are not shifting a current problem to another, or creating other issues for our planet and our society.

Systemic Equilibrium


Technically, regulatory, scalability, resources (time, ppl, €)….


Between the members of each team, and between teams.


The project is creative and innovative.

The solutions need to be scalable.



Responds to the stakeholders' main driver and pain points. Potential to scale up with diverse stakeholders.


Financial impact: ROI over time.


If you have any questions or need further information, please contact us:

Now that you know more about the CoVisionLab, join us and our stakeholders to create a more sustainable world